I am pursuing contentment for some years now and I can say that: either contentment is a very skilled prey which escapes me every time, either it does not exist.
I am joking, off course, but in
the same time I have to acknowledge the difficulty in which I find myself: I
have to talk about contentment based only on some left prints in the sand and
some memories of its possible scent. Maybe I’ve experienced for some short
periods of time the state of being content, but for sure I could not keep it
inside my cage, in my being, the bird has flown away every time.
First conscious questions about
contentment arisen in my life after I have experienced that every enjoyable
thing/object/state has an end and nothing what comes from outside does not have
the ability to last. In other words, I could not find something outside myself
which would last indefinite and in the same time which would create the same
unending pleasure. In the end, all finished in the arms of Master Suffering,
which is, by the way, the most undesirable, but the most efficient master, at
least for me.
So, returning to the story, I
began to feel unlucky to realize in my mid twenties that everything I will do
will end in some kind of suffering and that there’s nothing in this material
world which could bring me happiness by itself, by just acquiring the object. I
just could not accept this conclusion and my search for happiness began.
It took me some big time to
realize (and I feel that I should say that I got a lot of support on the way)
that happiness is not something that I can obtain from something or somebody,
but it is an outcome of an internal state of recognition. To be more clear, let’s
see the example of two lovers: they show love to each other, but if they do not
have the love inside them, they could not bring it out and more than that they
could not recognize the signs of affection. More specific, if love would be
something that, let’s say, your partner can give you, when the partner is not aside
you, you will not have it. Off course, we feel love even when the partner is
continents away, so it’s not something which he or her gives to us, it is
something inside us which is recognized and associated with our partner,
parents, friends, etc.
I will not write now about the
relative/ conditional and absolute/ unconditional love, but I will note that
everything conditional is relative to a specific context and these contexts
have the habit not to last.
Returning to realization that
happiness occurs inside me when some conditions are fulfilled, a new question
arises: how to access and maintain those conditions? Well, if the conditions
are outside me, in the outer world, they will change soon… the world is moving,
the people change, nothing material lasts, “panta rhei” as the Greeks would
say, you cannot step twice in the same river.
But what if the conditions are
not outside me, but inside me? What keeps me away from feeling love and
happiness minute by minute, time after time? What brings the discontentment?
Try to remember the times when
you were happy, full of love, serene. What was that particular thing which was
present every time? Yes, the present… We all were in that moment, in that time,
nor in the pas, nor in the future, away from other desires, just there and
The discontentment is a mental
state which appears when a difference between desire or “how things should be”
and the immediate reality is recognized.
“Between the banks of pleasure and pain flows the river of life. If you spend much time on either bank you will
miss out on life” said Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Staying on either bank of
pleasure or pain is not the solution and as usual the truth is somewhere in the
middle, in the balanced attitude. Contentment transcends happiness and sorrow,
contentment has the balance in it. Even if I’m happy or sad, if I can accept
this fact, if I have acceptance of the play of the mind and the sinuous flow of
life situations, I have already a sort of balance. And if I have a balance I am
a step closer to contentment.
If I would have to define
contentment I would say that contentment is a state of the mind in which I
remain in balance unregarding of the external conditions, transformations,
relationships, events or states.
Many things shall be lived fully,
as an absolute, in order to achieve and keep the contentment:
acceptance of uncontrollable and transformative flow of
discrimination between the real and unreal aspects of
life which appear in the form of illusion
belief that life is a fair teacher and not a slave
at least, but not last, (self) sincerity
I do not have a sure way to
success, a magic formula to bring contentment in my life. I’ve only observed
that observing my mind (funny, huh?) I can reduce the amplitude of the pendulum
of the mind which reaches the opposites, which visits the both banks of the
river of life. Observing my mind, sometimes I can make a conscious decision not
to grasp the weeds growing on the banks, staying somewhere on the river,
floating like a leaf, from one beginning to another.
Let the hunt, once again, begin!
Avand in vedere ora, sper ca vei scuza uzul limbii romane(ca engleza mi se incalceste ca o liana in jurul maimutei si nu vreau sa-i nemultumesc pe stimatii tai cititori printr-o sintaxa demna de caragiale).
ReplyDeleteMultumirea, f...k, greu de gasit..e pe undeva dar la fel ca si misterul ciorapilor care se desperecheaza la spalat pare evident si la indemana , dar totusi se incapataneaza sa se scurga printr-e degete ca si firele de nisip.Eu am asociat intr-o vreme multumirea cu fericirea si vai ce groaznic de tare m-am inselat.Sunt de acord cu ideea ca eul real si cel care am vrea sau credem ca ar trebui sa fie/fim nu au aproape nimic in comun , in afara de eticheta numelui.
Cu riscul de-a fi critica, multumirea , sau descrierea pe care o percep printr-e randurile textului tau este mai degraba sora cu indiferenta. K, plutim noi pe fluviu dar refuz sa cred ca nu am nici un fel de influenta asupra propriului destin, ca sunt manata de forte cosmice si nu are nici un sens sa ma opun.Deci, concluzie, poate ar trebui sa vedem cu ce putem asocia multumirea,starea de liniste sufleteasca , cea care ne da un somn usor fara somnifere ,eventual si cate un vis frumos, asa, bonus.Ce faceai ultima oara cand ai fost multumit? poate ca raspunsul la aceasta intrebare ar fi un bun reper in cautarile tale viitoare.
As zice ca multumirea apare cand sunt pe drumul ce mi-a fost scris.